
Hey guys! For those of you that don’t already know me, my name is Paige Leigh Woodruff , a small-town girl from the mitten state with a big city passion for fashion. I am 26 years young and hold my Bachelors degree in Business Marketing & Management. I have been with my high school sweetheart for just over 11 years and they have been the best years I could have ever asked for. Our destination wedding was held in Key West, FL in April of 2015 surrounded by the best friends and family. We are so very blessed!
If I were to describe my sense of style it would be ‘Casual with a Twist’. Although I love the wide variety of elements  and styles that the fashion world allows, I do like to keep things pretty casual while adding a pop of edge, chic, boho, eclectic, etc. styles in order to pull it all together. It is generally a pretty rare occasion to catch me in a dress and heels, but that is something I love about the fashion industry. You don’t have to be doing what everyone else is doing. One of the most important aspects to an outfit for me is that I will be comfortable. If you’re comfortable and confident in an outfit, it will exude from you.
I started this blog in hopes of sharing my life, family, beauty and fashion sense with all of you. I truly love fashion and love to follow others that inspire me. I feel as though fashion allows you to express yourself and your personal style while having the opportunity to try something new and push the limits.
For any questions please contact me at: paigeleighw1@gmail.com
I hope you enjoy following along this journey of life with me!


♥ Paige
